Posts tagged physical
How does our brain transform sound into emotion?

Listening to Music is a pleasurable activity whether we are skilled musicians or do not play an instrument or sing. Listening to Music can lift our emotions when we are down, can motivate us when we lack drive, can provide us with joy and excitement and connects with our inner being or our soul/spirit. This post explores why this is possible by exploring 6 different ways our brain transforms sound into emotions. It also explores the consequences involved in losing hearing on the emotions through the brain. It provides music examples for each of the 6 different ways the brain transforms sound into emotion.

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Music and its impact on Traditions of the World.

How are traditions of a country and/or world connected to Music? How do attitudes of individuals impact on society or on the world? The post explores these issues and provides the impact that Music plays in society for us as individuals and as a nation and world. It also highlights National Sorry Day in Australia and the Multi Cultural celebrations to be held this week in Canberra.

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Fireworks: Our needs and its connection to Music.

Why are we fascinated by fireworks?  What is its connection to our emotions and Music?  You may be surprised with the findings.  This post explores 9 possible reasons for humanity’s fascination and its effect on our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Then, we explore how these reasons interconnect with Music with a number of music examples for your listening and enjoyment related to fireworks.

Knowing the benefits of fireworks to our overall health and well being may provide an extra bonus next time you are watching fireworks display.  Click to read this fascinating post.

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Why I love Music and teach it ( part 2)


In this 2-part series, I want to share with you more key reasons for loving and teaching Music including the connections between maths, science, physical education, languages and Music.

Read my post to find out how Music can be life changing for you and your emotions

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New Year Resolutions and goal setting.

Having New Year resolutions are worthwhile because:

1.    it gives us an opportunity to review our lives at the physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, financial, educational levels.  

2.    it gives insight into what is working well and what needs to change.

3.    it provides hope that things can change.

4.    Hope then can provide motivation and desire to achieve. 

However New Year resolutions will remain just that unless we set ourselves up for success by correctly setting our goals.

Why not set one or 2 resolutions for your life.  Work on them each day for 365 days inching forward each day with some step towards the goal. If every person in the world, set one resolution for the year, worked on it sincerely and achieved it, imagine how much better the world could be.

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Welcome to Talking Music!

There is a power to Music that can reach us physically, cognitively, emotionally and spiritually. When Musicians and Singers perform, they give of their gift of Musicianship and skills to you, the listener.  The beauty of Music is that when 85,000 people listen at a concert, there are 85,000 reasons for their listening. 

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